Page tree

  1. Configure Gerrit server

    • Login to console on the Gerrit server and install SubGit tool according to the   Installation guide.

    • Download   SubGit plugin for Gerrit server.

      MD5 checksum:   a2db62d13ce8ac5c55515c14f90ea28b
      Compatible Gerrit versions: 2.9.x, 2.10.x, 2.11.x, 2.12.x, 2.13.x, 2.14.x and 2.15.x.

    • Move the downloaded file into GERRIT_SITE/plugins directory:


      • GERRIT_SITE  –  the directory that was used  as   $sitepath  during  Gerrit installation.

    • Open Gerrit configuration file residing by the following path:



      • GERRIT_SITE  –  the directory that was used  as   $sitepath  during  Gerrit installation.

      Locate   receive.timeout  parameter and set it to 0:

         timeout = 0

      if you have Git installed on this machine, it can be done by the following command:

      > git config -f GERRIT_SITE/etc/gerrit.config receive.timeout 0
    • Restart the Gerrit daemon:

      • if you have started the Gerrit daemon manually –  stop it by Ctrl+C and then start it again:

        Start Gerrit daemon
        > java.exe -jar bin\gerrit.war daemon --console-log
      • if you have Gerrit run as Windows service - restart the service using services.msc console or by commands:

        > sc stop Gerrit
        > sc start Gerrit
    • Check if SubGit plugin is shown in Gerrit:

  2. Configure the repository

    • Create an empty Git repository:

    • Open the Gerrit server console and navigate to  git directory  within   GERRIT_SITE:

      CD to git directory
      > cd GERRIT_SITE\git


      • GERRIT_SITE  –  the directory that was used as   $sitepath during  Gerrit installation.

      The newly created project directory should be present here and named   <given project name>.git

      Git directory contain
      > dir
       Volume in drive C has no label.
       Volume Serial Number is B86A-EF32
       Directory of c:\gerrit\git
      11.05.2017  20:21    <DIR>          .
      11.05.2017  20:21    <DIR>          ..
      11.05.2017  17:50    <DIR>          All-Projects.git
      11.05.2017  17:50    <DIR>          All-Users.git
      11.05.2017  20:14    <DIR>          project.git
    • Run this command to configure SubGit import:

      > subgit configure --layout auto --trunk TRUNK SVN_URL GIT_REPO


      • SVN_URL   –  SVN project URL.
      • GIT_REPO  –  path to the new Git repository.
      • TRUNK       –  path, relative to   SVN_URL,  that leads to the SVN directory that acts as the   main line of development.
      subgit configure
      > subgit.bat configure --layout auto --trunk trunk c:\gerrit\git\project.git
          SubGit version 3.2.4 ('Bobique') build #3670
          Configuring writable Git mirror of remote Subversion repository:
              Subversion repository URL :
              Git repository location   : C:\repo.git
          Detecting peg location...
          Authentication realm: <> Subversion Repository
          Username [user]: user
          Password for 'user':
          Peg location detected: r10248 project/trunk
          Fetching SVN history... Done.
          Growing trees... Done.
          Project origin detected: r1 project/trunk
          Building branches layouts... Done.
          Combing beards... Done.
          Generating SVN to Git mapping... Done.
          To complete SubGit installation do the following:
          1) Adjust Subversion to Git branches mapping if necessary:
          2) Define at least one Subversion credentials in default SubGit passwd file at:
              OR configure SSH or SSL credentials in the [auth] section of:
          3) Optionally, add custom authors mapping to the authors.txt file(s) at:
          4) Run SubGit 'install' command:
               subgit install "C:\repo.git"
    • Specify authors mapping

      Configure authors mapping in the default authors mapping file:


      Or  change   core.authors  option so that it points to the global authors mapping file.

      Find more details about authors mapping in the Authors mapping article.

  3. Import data into the Git repository


    > subgit import GIT_REPO


        GIT_REPO  –  a path to the Git repository.

    subgit import
    > subgit import c:\gerrit\git\project.git
      SubGit version 3.2.4 ('Bobique') build #3670
      Translating Subversion revisions to Git commits...
         Subversion revisions translated: 10248.
         Total time: 2 hours 15 minutes 19 seconds.
  4. Clone your new Git repository and start working with it

    > git clone GIT_REPO WORK_TREE


        WORK_TREE  –  a path to your working copy.

    git clone example
    $ git clone C:\project.git
      Cloning into 'C:\project.git'...
      Password for '': 
      remote: Counting objects: 99, done.
      remote: Compressing objects: 100% (39/39), done.
      remote: Total 99 (delta 50), reused 99 (delta 50)
      Unpacking objects: 100% (99/99), done.

    Empty working tree case

    If Git warns you that you are cloning an empty repository and you don't see your files in the working tree, most probably automatic branches and tags mapping didn't work correctly. In this case, mapping has to be set manually, see details on mapping in Branches and tags mapping.

  5. Get support:

    If you have encountered any problems, see the following guides for more details:


    For one-time import, no license is needed.

Should you need any assistance, don't hesitate to contact us at

  • No labels